Professional Septic Tank Pumping & Maintenance Services
The key to keeping your septic system working efficiently is understanding how it works. Septic tanks work to remove solids from waste-water from your sinks and toilets. Over time, these solids settle at the bottom of the tank to form sludge and other buildup.
Routine septic tank pumping and maintenance is recommended to keep your system from backing up and causing a messy disaster in your home or on your property. Septic Tank Pumping is also essential to keep solids from getting out to your weeping bed.
Septic Tank Pumping for Worry Free Operation
Our low cost septic tank pumping options will make sure that your tank, field and property stay in tip top shape for years to come. Trust us when we tell you that a backed up septic tank is NOT something you want to deal with!

Get a Quote
We're available for both residential and commercial septic tank services. Please contact us using the form below for a no-obligation quote!

Quick and Responsive Septic Tank Pumping
Call Us for Year-Round Service. Rain or shine, sleet or snow we'll make sure that we get your septic tank pumped out and ready to go. We specialize in making this an easy process are just a phone call away for your septic system maintenance needs.
We are currently booking septic pumping appointments. Please contact us for your next appointment!
Experienced and Professional
The licensed, experienced and professional technicians at Sea + Sky have been trusted by residential and commercial clients in Halifax and surrounding areas to keep their septic systems running smoothly with comprehensive cleaning, septic tank pumping and maintenance.

Understand Your Septic System
Do you understand how your septic System Works?
Septic systems are underground wastewater treatment structures, commonly used in rural areas without centralized sewer systems. Many locations in HRM don't have access to town services and make use of a septic system. Septic systems use a combination of nature and proven technology to treat wastewater from household plumbing produced by bathrooms, kitchen drains, and laundry.
A typical septic system consists of a septic tank and a drainfield, or soil absorption field.
The septic tank digests organic matter and separates floatable matter (e.g., oils and grease) and solids from the wastewater. Soil-based systems discharge the liquid (known as effluent) from the septic tank into a series of perforated pipes buried in a leach field, leaching chambers, or other special units designed to slowly release the effluent into the soil or surface water.
Alternative systems use pumps or gravity to help septic tank effluent trickle through sand, organic matter (e.g., peat and sawdust), constructed wetlands, or other media to remove or neutralize pollutants like disease-causing pathogens, nitrogen, phosphorus, and other contaminants. Some alternative systems are designed to evaporate wastewater or disinfect it before it is discharged to the soil or surface waters.
Regular Tank Pumping Is Key
Regardless of the type of septic field you may have, or how your tank gets the wastewater to the field, regular maintenance and pumping is key! This is not a system that you want to leave on it's own for years at a time. Recommended tank pumping will vary based on the size of field, number of occupants in the residence or building, and the type of field itself. If you are unsure about what might be the best for your system, please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll be happy to explain best practices.
A Useful Read
Want more information? We suggest you read a Homeowner's Guide to Septic Systems, provided by the Nova Scotian government to help homeowners how to best care and maintain their system. You can find your own copy here

Where is my septic tank located?
The septic tank is usually buried near your house and connected by a sewer pipe to your indoor plumbing. You can find the pipe in the basement, usually 3 to 4 inches in diameter; very carefully remove the end cap to determine the direction of the pipe that leads out to your yard. You can use a flashlight to look through the pipe and a tape to measure the distance to the tank. With this information, you can estimate the location of the tank and then probe carefully with a shovel or soil probe to locate the four corners of the septic tank lid.
Do septic tanks last forever?
No. Private septic systems are temporary systems; they will not last forever and do require maintenance. The lifespan of a septic system depends a lot on how well it was installed and maintained, how much it is used, and how good the soil and surrounding drainage are. Pumping your septic tank is one of the best and least expensive means by which to maintain your septic system.
What should and should not go into my septic tank?
The best situation for a long septic tank life would be that only human wastewater enters the tank. This includes bathroom sink waste and proper toilet tissue. In moderation, a properly working septic tank can handle some biodegradable detergents, laundry soaps, kitchen wastes, and biodegradable household chemicals. In large amounts, any and all of these things can limit the digestive properties of your septic tank. Things like cigarette butts, disposable diapers, sanitary napkins, plastics, any other trash, or high levels of cleaning agents or chemicals create problems for your septic tank. Some things kill the good bacteria the septic tank needs to breakdown human waste. Other items do not readily decompose and, more importantly, may clog the baffles and prevent proper fluid flow inside the septic tank.
How often should my septic tank be pumped?
The lifespan of a septic system depends a lot on how well it was installed and maintained, how much it is used and how good the soil and surrounding drainage are. Pumping your septic tank is one of the best and least expensive means in which to maintain your septic system. Most septic tanks should be pumped every 3 to 5 years. Cleaning frequency depends on household size and water use.
When do I need an emergency pumping?
Emergency pumping is needed when you hear strange noises or smell unusual odours coming from your house plumbing. Hopefully you get the emergency pumping before a nasty backup of septic material into your home. You will still need the emergency pumping but then you also have the unpleasant job and cost of cleaning up a mess that could have been avoided.
Do they need to dig up my lawn to pump?
Not necessarily. If you already have access to the lid of your septic tank, digging up your lawn may not be necessary. If there is no access to the lid of the septic tank, some digging may be necessary to expose the ports so that the hose can be inserted to remove the septic material. Pumping cannot and should not be done through the pipe outlet in your basement.